The Farm
At River Jordan Orphanage
In 2012 two acres of farmland adjacent to RJO was purchased by a Sunday School teacher and her students. The teacher discovered RJO through one of their Facebook live streams and decided to create a fundraiser. In approximately two months they had raised enough funds to make the purchase of the land. The Farm, run by Joseph Wamalwa, encompasses several types of Animals and Agriculture. The purpose of this program is to provide food for the Orphanage. The cost of feeding over 70 Children and the Staff is extremely high. These programs are very important for RJO to become self-sustaining and not rely on donations for food. Food insecurity is a major factor at the Orphanage and the farm is an excellent way to combat this. Currently the farm is sustained by donations and profits from selling some of the harvest.
RJO Crops
In 2019 River Jordan began planting crops. With the cost of food rising and the number of children to feed, we knew we needed to start growing some of our own food. Currently we are growing corn, sweet potatoes, black eyed peas, kale, avocados and fruit. The goal is to have two harvests per year to feed the orphans. If there is enough left after that, we will sell to the community and use the profits to fund the next planting season.
RJO Chicken Project
The goal of this project is to provide daily eggs for the children and staff at RJO. Eggs are a great source of protein in their diet. To maintain the chickens, we are currently selling the eggs to purchase feed, sawdust and antibiotics. We have 39 laying hens. We also have a beautiful chicken coup and an incubator for hatching. Many more chickens are needed to reach our goal to produce enough eggs for eating as well as provide for the upkeep of the chickens. This project is another example of how RJO is working towards becoming self-sufficient.
RJO Goat Project
The Goat Milk Program started in December 2021. The funding was donated by one of our Sponsors. Another vision of becoming self-sustaining at the orphanage by providing fresh goat milk for the children and staff. This will allow them some very important nutrients for their diet. This program has been a wonderful learning experience for the staff and children. Aside from the milk provided, the children are learning to care for farm animals which is a very important skill in Kenya. Currently we have two female goats and one female baby goat (Lucy). Two goats currently are waiting for their biological time to be inseminated. The third goat has completed nursing her baby, and is now providing milk to the orphanage. We are all very excited for this program to grow and continue to provide nutritious milk for years to come.
RJO Fish Pond
River Jordan's Farm has an Earthen Pond that was newly constructed in May of 2022 thanks to a generous donation by one of our Sponsors. The pond is approximately 50 by 50 meters and can hold up to 1,500 fish. Africa’s native fish Tilapia is raised from fingerlings. Tilapia is a great source of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids which are important for the growth and development of childrens' brain function. The process which takes about 6 to 7 months is a great learning experience for the children. They are taught to feed and care for the fish before harvesting them to eat and sell.